DiskSavvy allows one to save batches of disk space analysis reports according to the currently selected categories of files
with each report showing the number of files per directory and the disk space usage for a corresponding category of files.
For example, let's assume that we need to save disk space analysis reports for the last 10 years with each report showing
the number of files per directory and the disk space usage for all files that were created during each year.
In order to generate such reports, set the file categorization mode to 'Categorize By Creation Year', select all years for
which you need to generate analysis reports in the file categories view, press the right mouse button and select the 'Export Reports' menu item.
On the 'Export Reports' dialog, select an appropriate report format and report mode, specify a destination directory to
export reports to and press the 'Save' button.
For each selected year, DiskSavvy will filter disk space analysis results by the file creation year and save an individual disk space
analysis report in the specified destination directory with each report file name and report title containing the corresponding file creation year.
In the same way, the user can generate batches of analysis reports showing the number of files per directory and the disk space usage per user,
last modification date, last access date, file attributes, file size, top directory or user-custom categories pre-configured using flexible file matching rules.
For example, in order to export individual disk space analysis reports for all users, set the file categorization mode to 'Categorize By User Name',
select all the required users, press the right mouse button and select the 'Export Reports' menu item. Now, the destination directory will contain
a series of disk space analysis reports with each report showing the number of files per directory and the disk space usage for the corresponding user.
The batch reports dialog provides the ability to export reports to a number of standard report formats including: HTML, PDF, Excel, text, CSV and XML.
Depending on the selected report format and report mode, each report will include a summary table showing statistics about the report and a list of
tables showing disks, directories and files sorted by the amount of used disk space.
In addition, the batch reports dialog allows one to select one of the following report modes: summary report, compact report or full report. When the
summary report mode is selected, each report will include a summary table and up to 3 levels of directories sorted by the amount of used disk space.
When the compact report mode is selected, each report will include a summary table and up to 5 levels of directories with up to 20 files per directory
sorted by the amount of used disk space. When the full report mode is selected, each report will include a summary table and a complete list of
directories and files sorted by the amount of used disk space.
Once the export operation will be completed, the specified destination directory will contain a number of disk space analysis reports according to the
selected file categorization mode, selected categories of files and the selected report format.